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In the wild Rudbeckia laciniata (Green-Headed Coneflower) can get quite tall but in the garden setting, tends to maintain 3'-4'.  Nice for late flowering in a naturalizing garden setting.

Northeast Pollinator Plants

Rudbeckia laciniata (Green-Headed Coneflower)

$ 5.99
  • We ship only to the New England and New York states. If you live near Fairfax, VT, consider buying at our farm, River Berry Farm.

  • Shipping will be in the order received.  Please check the Home Page for updated expected ship date.  Free shipping for 15 or more plants.
  • Plants are delivered in a biodegradable wood fiber pot, 2.75" diameter by 3.5" deep.  
  • Please email if you prefer to order/pay by check than on-line, see Contact Us below.
Common Name:  Green-Headed Coneflower

Attracts:  Bees, Butterflies, Birds. Larval Host

Use:  Naturalizing, spreads through underground roots.

Light:  Sun to Shade

Hardiness Zone:  3 to 9 USDA Zone Map

Soils:  Medium, Moist

Flower Time:  August - September

Flower Color:  Gold with green seed head, even when ripens.

Height:  2' - 9'

Notes:  In the wild Green-Headed Coneflower can get quite tall but in the garden setting, tends to maintain 3'-4'.  Nice for late flowering in a naturalizing garden setting. Noted as deer-resistant by UVM.

Host plant of VT Bee Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN):
Bombus ashtoni (Ashton's Cuckoo Bumble bee) presumed extinct!
Bombus citrinus (Lemon Cuckoo Bumble bee)
Bombus fervidus (Golden Northern Bumble bee) 
Bombus terricola (Yellow-Banded Bumble bee)
Bombus rufocinctus (Red-Belted Bumble bee)
Hylaeus basalis (Cinquefoil Masked bee)

Native to most of the US east of the Rockies:  Biota of North America Program (BONAP) – North American Plant Atlas (NAPA).

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