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Hypericum prolificum (Shrubby Saint Johnswort)  Shrubs are REALLY small when shipped.

Northeast Pollinator Plants

Hypericum prolificum (Shrubby Saint Johnswort) Shrubs are REALLY small when shipped.

$ 5.99


  • We ship only to the New England and New York states. If you live near Fairfax, VT, consider buying at our farm, River Berry Farm.

  • Shipping will be in the order received.  Please check the Home Page for updated expected ship date.  Free shipping for 15 or more plants.
  • Plants are delivered in a biodegradable wood fiber pot, 2.75" diameter by 3.5" deep.  
  • Please email if you prefer to order/pay by check than on-line, see Contact Us below.

Common Name:  Shrubby  Saint Johnswort

Attracts:  Bees (especially Bumblebees), Butterflies, Larval Host, and Birds

Use:  Shrub for Landscape, Garden  (Our shrubs are sent as first year plants, so are REALLY quite small for shrubs but should grow just fine to their mature height.)

Light:  Full Sun to Part Shade

Hardiness Zone: 3 - 8   USDA Zone Map

Soils:  Dry to Medium 

Flower Time:  July to August (nice long flowering time)

Flower Color:  Golden Yellow

Height:  1' - 4'

Notes:  Hypericum prolificum (Shrubby Saint Johnswort) is simply my go-to shrub, plugging it in everywhere, for it's nice long flowering times, nice compact form, though I have a few that do indeed stretch up to 4', and the amazing amount of bumblebees they attract.

Host Plant of VT Bee Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN):
egachile addenda (Cranberry Leafcutter bee)
Megachile rugifrons (Rugose-Fronted Resin bee)

Strymon melinus (Gray Hairstreak moth)
Choristoneura parallela (Potted Fireworm moth)

Naturalized in New England, native to Eastern, Mid-Atlantic, Southern and Midwestern United States.  Biota of North American (BONAP) - North America Plant Atlas.

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