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Solidago rugosa (Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod)

Northeast Pollinator Plants

Solidago rugosa (Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod)

$ 5.99
  • We ship only to the New England and New York states. If you live near Fairfax, VT, consider buying at our farm, River Berry Farm.

  • Shipping will be in the order received.  Please check the Home Page for updated expected ship date.  Free shipping for 15 or more plants.
  • Plants are delivered in a biodegradable wood fiber pot, 2.75" diameter by 3.5" deep.  
  • Please email if you prefer to order/pay by check than on-line, see Contact Us below.

Common Name:  Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod

Attracts:  Bees, Butterflies, Larval Host, Birds

Use:  Naturalizing

Light:  Full Sun to Part Sun

Hardiness Zone:  4 to 8   USDA Zone Map

Soils:  Moist - Wet

Flower Time:  Mid July - Late September

Flower Color:  Golden

Height:  2'-5'

Notes:  Solidago rugosa (Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod) is a clumping goldenrod that can form large masses. It offers arching flowering stems similar to Solidago caesia.

Host plant of VT Bee Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN):
Andrena braccata (Beach Miner bee)
Andrena canadensis (Canada Miner bee)
Andrena peckhami (Peckham's Miner bee)
Bombus affinis (Rusty-Patched Bumble bee) presumed extinct!
Bombus ashtoni (Ashton's Cuckoo Bumble bee) presumed extinct!
Bombus citrinus (Lemon Cuckoo Bumble bee
Bombus fervidus (Golden Northern Bumble bee)
Bombus pensylvanicus (American Bumble bee)
Bombus terricola (Yellow-Banded Bumble bee)
Bombus rufocinctus (Red-Belted Bumble bee)
Bombus flavidus (Yellowish Cuckoo Bumble bee)
Colletes kincaidii (Kincaid's Cellophane bee)
Colletes solidaginis (Goldenrod Cellophane bee)
Dianthidium simile (Northeastern Pebble bee) presumed extinct!
Lasioglossum novascotiae (Nova Scotia Metallic-Sweat bee)
Lasioglossum tenax (Tenacious Metallic-Sweat bee)
Nomada banksi (Banks' Nomad bee)
Nomada Electa (Elect Nomad bee)

Noted as deer-resistant by UVM. 

Native to New England and New York states, southeast and south central US:  Go Botany, Solidago rugosa.

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