Welcome to Northeast Pollinator Plants
Getting Ready for First Shipments
We're getting ready for sending out the first shipments this week! Thank you so much for everyone who has placed orders. It is so heartening to see how many folks are finding the website reflecting their interest in supporting our local pollinators! Jane Sorensen Northeast Pollinator Plants
Northeast Pollinator Plants is in gear!
We are so pleased to see so many people visiting the website and that people are feeling comfortable enough with the information and PayPal option to make purchases. The web host company, Shopify, does a great job. We can check to see how many people are visiting each day and from what COUNTRY! Most are from the US, which is good, since we sell only to the New England and New York states, but it is fascinating to see the breadth of countries represented in web-searching the Northeast Pollinator Plants site. The plants are growing nicely and we're looking...
IPBES Report Claims 16% of Pollinator Species are Threatened with Extinction
Thematic Assessment of Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production by IPBES "The assessment found that an estimated 16 per cent of vertebrate pollinators are threatened with global extinction - increasing to 30 per cent for island species - with a trend towards more extinctions." "Although most insect pollinators have not been assessed at a global level, regional and national assessments indicate high levels of threat, particularly for bees and butterflies - with often more than 40 per cent of invertebrate species threatened locally." IPBES, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy-Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, conducted a two year assessment of existing pollinator research globally compiling...
Webinar: Conservation Buffers to Support Beneficial Insects on Organic Farms
Watch this great one hour webinar, Conservation Buffers to Support Beneficial Insects on Organic Farms, by Mace Vaughn of Xerces Society. You don't have to be a farmer to benefit from this talk, but farmers will greatly benefit. http://www.conservationwebinars.net/webinars/conservation-buffers-to-support-beneficial-insects-on-organic-farms
Pollinator Biology, Heath and Policy Conference at Penn. State University,
Penn. State Center for Pollinator Research is hosting an International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy, July 18 - 20, 2016. This three day conference will be heavy on research results and intended for "stakeholders groups to engage in a dialog about the research, management, conservation and policy approaches". A great line-up of presenters who are on the forefront of pollinator research. http://www.cvent.com/events/international-conference-on-pollinator-biology-health-and-policy/event-summary-a63f438020fa4db6a3dd57d5ba0f1acc.aspx